Kala Gare: One Night Only

Presented by Darlinghurst Theatre Company & Antithesis

Join Kala Gare, Australian Musical Theatre's newest breakout star (Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, SIX, My Brilliant Career) for a night of soul-stirring music at Darlinghurst Theatre Company. 

Featuring an intimate set of musical theatre classics from Kala's catalogue of work, alongside a selection of original songs from her debut EP 'Closer to Home', this stripped back gig in the heart of Darlinghurst will take you from Broadway to Kala's own backyard.

If you witnessed Kala's showstopping performance as Sonya in Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, you won't want to miss this night of powerful vocals, chaos and charisma.

One Night Only. Book Now.

“Gare's power, vocal talent and charisma is undeniable.”
- Lilith Reviews (SIX)

“Kala Gare is a show-stealing Sonya.”
- Theatre Travels (The Great Comet)

The soulful Kala Gare is remarkable in her magnetic solo “Sonya Alone”, bringing the house down.
- Suzy Goes See (The Great Comet)



Monday 6 November

Duration: 90 minutes (+ 20 minute interval)

